In 2024, I set a goal to invest more in myself. One of my main focuses was to make reading a bigger part of my routine. I began exploring books that could benefit both my personal growth and my business. Here are the top five books I read in 2024 and the reasons I found them so impactful.
Profit First by: Mike Michalowicz
This book is a must read for any small business owner. It provides a clear and practical guide on how to start paying yourself properly. Before reading it, I realized I wasn’t managing my funds effectively. Now, thanks to the strategies outlined in the book, I started paying myself an appropriate amount. I have also distributed my finances to the correct accounts. This book was a game-changer, completely transforming the way I allocate funds in my business.
The Ideal Team Player by: Patrick Lencioni
This book helped me when it came to hiring for my bounce house company. We started implementing these “team player” strategies when we started hiring new employees. This book is very helpful in terms of vetting your potential workforce. We plan to continue to use these principles throughout the upcoming years as we start onboarding new team members.
The Proximity Principal by: Ken Coleman
This is a great book for anyone who is looking to grow not only professionally, but also personally. The book explains the importance of getting around people that are doing what you are wanting to do, or that have the business that you want to have. This book applies to so many aspects of your life that it can be applied to virtually anything. The book talks about the formula “The right people + the right places = opportunities”. This is a must read for anyone who is aspiring to improve.
How to Win Friends and Influence People by: Dale Carnegie
This is an older book, but still a great one. There were a few key takeaways I remember from the first time I read this book. Some of those things I still try to incorporate into my daily life to this day. One thing I still try to do is to make people I interact with each day, feel important. The book talked about the importance of saying people’s name in conversation. This helps you to remember their name, but also makes them feel important. Even to this day I still try not to say, Hey buddy! Or, Thanks Man!. I actually make an effort to use their name in conversation. The book teaches you how to become a good listener and also how to learn to look at other people’s perspective. This is a great book for anyone who is looking for growth.
Lessons from the Mouse by: Dennis Snow
This is a shorter book that could easily be read over a weekend. This book talked about some of the famous Disney principals that they still apply to their business to this day. I learned a lot from this book such as keeping some business items “back stage” and never in view of the customer. This is important for any small business to understand because all businesses will have problems, but they don’t need to have all of their problems on display for their customers. This book provides great principles that can be applied to any business.
There are a lot of great business books out there. Some have that magical quality where pieces of wisdom just stick with you. That’s how you know you found a real gem.
I hope these books help improve your bounce house business the way they have improved mine.
Keep reading and keep learning!
Be sure to check out for additional resources. Also check out my new Book, Making Money with Bounce Houses, available on Amazon !